     2017 年度   国際社会学部
  吉澤 啓 [YOSHIZAWA Kei]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    2 秋学期 水4 -
Development Aid Policy for Africa, its reality and challenges
Goals of the course   
This course aims at helping students understand the current reality and challenges of Africa's socio-economic development, the policies and approaches of aid donors, including Japan, international organizations and African countries, and what is discussed in the international community on this theme. At the end of the course, each of the students are expected to explain his/her own views and concepts on Africa's development strategies based on his/her understanding in the class.
Overview of the course   
Africa has changed significantly from the continent of poverty and conflicts in 1990's, to that of hope and growth in 2000's. The development (aid) policy of the aid donors, international community and African countries has also changed. The private sector and emerging countries, which did not have any interest in Africa, now play important roles there. Yet, poverty and conflicts still remains, and new challenges such as ebola, radicalism, migration, etc. emerges there. How should we understand changing Africa and how should we tackle its challenges? In the class, students are expected to understand the recent (aid) policy and discussion on Africa's development, including Japanese aid policy and challenges, and its reality, and discuss on this exciting theme together with the course instructor.
Africa, growth, poverty, transformation, fragility, human security, development economics, aid and national interest, business and development, Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD)
第1回 講師・受講生自己紹介、履修案内、「アフリカの開発課題」について、受講生自身の考え・関心に関する簡単な口頭発表と議論
第2回 (講義と議論)アフリカの貧困と格差:MDGs、SDGs、貧困削減、世界銀行Twin Goals、成長と格差、クズネッツ曲線、トリクルダウン
第3回 (講義と議論)アフリカの経済成長:マクロ経済政策、一次産品貿易、Financing for Development, External Financial Flow, ODA, FDI, Domestic Resource Mobilization, Illicit Financial Flow
第4回 (講義と議論)アフリカの平和と安定:脆弱国・脆弱性、国連・国際社会による平和維持・平和構築・復興支援、アラブの春と暴力的過激主義、アフリカと欧州の移民・難民問題
第5回 (講義と議論)アフリカ開発へのアフリカ自身の取り組み:African Union, New Economic Partnership for Africa's Development, Regional Economic Communities, Agenda 2063
第6回 (講義と議論)アフリカの農業開発:アフリカの農業生産、農業生産性、食糧輸入、Comprehensive Africa's Agricultural Development Program (CAADP)、フードバリューチェーン、アグロビジネス、Land Grabbing、責任ある農業投資原則
第7回 (講義と議論)アフリカのインフラ開発:インフラ投資ギャップ、電力アクセス率、道路・港湾・鉄道網、域内統合・物流・貿易、Program of Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), インフラ民間投資・PPP、エネルギー補助金
第8回 (講義と議論)アフリカの産業開発:製造業の対GDP比、雇用創出(なき成長)、消費ブーム・消費財輸入、労働市場、人材育成・教育、産業政策、アジアの経験
第9回 (講義と議論)アフリカビジネス:資源開発の現状と可能性、アフリカ市場の可能性、中間層・労働人口の増加、日本企業への期待と進出例、先進国・新興国企業との競合
第10回 (アクティブラーニング1)アフリカ開発に関するイシュー・プロジェクトなどについて、各受講生が書籍やネットなどにより調査・15分程度の発表を行い、講師・受講生と議論する。発表テーマは各受講生が自らの関心により選択する。
第11回 (講義と議論)アフリカの保健医療:エボラ危機、HIV/AIDS、マラリア、母子保健、Universal Health Coverage、栄養不良・飢餓
第12回 (講義と議論)アフリカの教育、人口動態、ジェンダー:初中等教育、女子教育、出生率、人口予測、人口ボーナス、ジェンダー格差、若者と女性、移民・難民と開発
第13回 (講義と議論)アフリカ開発援助の効果・成果:アフリカ開発援助政策の変遷、構造調整、貧困削減、債務削減、援助効果向上、財政支援/プロジェクト支援、開発経済学、インパクト評価、自助努力支援
第14回 (講義と議論)援助と国益:「外交のツール」としての援助、国連外交・改革における援助、安全保障の文脈における援助、国際経済における援助、援助国ごとの位置づけ(日本、英国、米国、中国)、アフリカとの「パートナーシップ」(TICAD, FOCAC, AU-EU Summit, US-Africa Summit)
第15回 (アクティブラーニング2)アフリカ開発関連のイベント(フォーラム、セミナー、講演会、映画上映会など)に参加し、同イベントにおける議論の要点と受講生自身の見解を3000字以内にまとめる。イベント参加が難しい場合は、代替措置を考える。
第16回 (講義と議論)最後のまとめ、総括討論
1 Initial introduction of the course instructor, students, program, etc. Each student will be invited to make a brief presentation on his/her ideas on the challenges of Africa's development and expectation to the class
2 Poverty and inequality in Africa: MDGs, SDG, Poverty Reduction, World Bank's Twin Goals, Growth and inequality, Kuznets curves, Trickle-down theory
3 Africa's economic growth: Macro economic policy, Commodity Trade, Financing for Development, External Financial Flow, ODA, FDI, Domestic Resource Mobilization, Illicit Financial Flow
4 Peace and Stability in Africa: Fragile countries and flagility, United Nations and Internationa Community's efforts for Peace Keeping, Peace Building and Post-conflict Reconstruction, Arab Spring and Violent Radicalism, Migration from Africa to Europe
5 Africa's ownership for development and its efforts: African Union, New Economic Partnership for Africa's Development, Regional Economic Communities, Agenda 2063
6 Agricultural development in Africa:agricultural production, productivity, food trade, Comprehensive Africa's Agricultural Development Program (CAADP), food value chain, agro-business, land grabbing, Responsible Agricultural Investment Principles
7 Infrastructure development in Africa:infrastructure investment gap, access rate to electricity, transport network, regional integration, intra-regional trade, Program of Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), Private sector investment in infrastructure, PPP, energy subsidies
8 Industrial Development in Africa: manufacturing sector rate to GDP, (growth without) job creation, booming consumer market, consumer goods import, labor market, education and human resource development, industrial policy, development experience in Asia
9 Business with Africa: Potential of mining, Potential of consumer market, growth of middle class and labor force, expectation to Japanese business community, examples of Japanese investment, competition with other advanced and emerging countries' investors
10 Active Learning 1: Each of the students are required to provide a short presentation (15 min) on issues and/or projects linking to Africa's development in the class. Theme of presentation is to be selected by him/her corresponding to his/her interests on Africa.
11 Health in Africa: Ebola Crisis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, maternal and child health, Universal Health Coverage (UHC), malnutrition and hunger
12 Education, Demography, Gendar: primary and secondary education, girls education, fertility, demographic prospects, demographic dividend, gendar inequality, youth and woman, migration and development
13 Aid impacts and outcomes in Africa: history of changing development aid policy for Africa, structural adjustment, poverty reduction, debt cancellation, aid effectiveness, budget support vs. project aid, development economics, impact evaluation, support for self-help effort/development ownership
14 Aid and national interest: aid as a tool of diplomacy, aid in the UN reform agenda, aid in the national security policy, aid in the economic policy, aid policy in donor countries (Japan, UK, US, China), Partnership with Africa(TICAD, FOCAC, AU-EU Summit, US-Africa Summit)
15 Active Learning 2: Students will participate in an event on Africa's development, and make a report within 3000 letters in Japanese or 1500 words in English on the points in the event and his/her views on the discussion, with reflecting the contents of the course.
16 Summarize and debate to conclude the course.
Grading system for assessment   
Active Learning 1 (30%, a short presentation in the class), Active Learning 2 (30%, participation in an event on Africa's development and writing a report within 3000 letters in Japanese or 1500 words in English), and a concluding report of the class (40%, theme "Development Strategy of Africa from the view of (the student): xxx (the theme to be decided by the student)". In a concluding report, each of the students is expected to include a summary of a related book(s) and/or document(s) and his/her views on the theme of the report.
For Active Learning 1, each of the students is required to prepare a short presentation by learning on the theme which he/she selected, through reading books and/or documents and internet researching. For Active Learning 2, he/she is required to write a report on the event which he/she participated in. At last, he/she is required to writh a concluding report on the the theme "Development Strategy of Africa from the view of (the student): xxx (the theme to be decided by the student)".
In the class, the instructor will make efforts to help students get not only knowledge but also skills to find and analyse appropriate information in Japanese and English (when possible), through reading policy documents in Japanese and English, and make presentation, discussion and summary by him/herself. Each of the students is invited to make a positive (not passive) participation in the class. The instructor is working in JICA since 1985, currently as a senior advisor for development policy analysis and TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development), and also security issues of JICA personel in Africa.
教科書1 ISBN
書名 For Inclusive and Dynamic Development in Africa
著者名 Hiroshi Kato, Kei Yoshizawa, and others 出版社 JICA Research Insitute 出版年 2013
備考 To be downloaded from web
教科書2 ISBN
書名 Africa's Pulse
著者名 World Bank 出版社 World Bank 出版年 2015
備考 To be downloaded from web
教科書3 ISBN
書名 Regional Economic Outlook Sub-Saharan Africa
著者名 IMF 出版社 IMF 出版年 2015
備考 To be downloaded from web
教科書4 ISBN
書名 The Bottom Billion: Why the poorest countries are falling and what can be done about it
著者名 Paul Collier 出版社 Oxford University Press 出版年 2008
教科書5 ISBN
書名 Dead Aid: Why aid is not working and how is a better way for Africa
著者名 Dambisa Moyo 出版社 Farrar Strauss and Giroux 出版年 2010
参考書1 ISBN
書名 Capital in the Twenty-First Century
著者名 Thosmas Piketty 出版社 Harvard University Press 出版年 2014
参考書2 ISBN
書名 The Quest for Prosperity, How Developing Economies Can Take Off
著者名 Justin Yifu Lin 出版社 World Bank 出版年 2012
参考書3 ISBN
書名 Poor Economics, a Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty
著者名 A.V. Banerjee and E. Duflo 出版社 Public Affairs 出版年 2011
参考書4 ISBN
書名 A Changing Continent under Globalization
著者名 Katsuhiko Kitagawa and Motoki Takahashi 出版社 African Development Bank 出版年 2016
備考 This book is not for sale.