     2017 年度   国際社会学部
  柏崎 正憲 [KASHIWAZAKI Masanori]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    2 秋学期 水5 -
市民権・国籍の政治社会学 社会的包摂/排除と政治的帰属
Political Sociology of Citizenship and Nationality: Social Inclusion/Exclusion and Political Belonging

The objective of this course is to elucidate the social and political functions of citizenship or nationality in the relationship with the process of nation-building and social integration or the minority and migration policies in certain countries.
Goals of the course   
With the enhancement of international migration, the meaning and conditions of political belonging (membership of a political community) becomes an increasingly controversial topic, both in academic and political discourse.
The objective of this course is to elucidate the social and political functions of citizenship or nationality in the relationship with the process of nation-building and social integration or the minority and migration policies in certain countries.

Classes will be consisted of lectures and presentations offered in English.
In lectures, the course will offer (1) a critical overview of citizenship theories, and (2) historical and comparative explanations on the ideas and practices of citizenship in UK, US, France, Germany, Japan and other Asian countries.
In presentation sessions, each participant will present the plan or draft of her/his term-end essay.
Overview of the course   
Classes will be consisted of lectures and presentations.
In lectures, the course will offer (1) a critical overview of citizenship theories, and (2) historical and comparative explanations on the ideas and practices of citizenship in UK, US, France, Germany, Japan and other Asian countries.
In presentation sessions, each participant will present the plan or draft of her/his term-end essay.
citizenship, nationality, nation state, citizens and non-citizens, majority and minority, migration policy, social integration, political sociology, comparative politics
citizenship, nationality, nation state, citizens and non-citizens, majority and minority, migration policy, social integration, political sociology, comparative politics
01 (04 Oct), Citizenship in Law, Sociology and Political Theory
02 (11 Oct), Analyzing Modern Citizenship 1: Liberty and Equality
03 (18 Oct), Analyzing Modern Citizenship 2: Identity, Loyalty and Participation
04 (25 Oct), UK and US 1: The Crown and Republicanism
05 (01 Nov), UK and US 2: Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Liberal Citizenship
06 (08 Nov), France: Political Belonging in Civic Nationalism
07 (15 Nov), Presentation
08 (29 Nov), Germany 1: Political Belonging in Ethnic Nationalism
09 (06 Dec), Germany 2: The Changing Conditions of Being a German Citizen
10 (13 Dec), Japan 1: Family Registry (Koseki), Subjectship and Nationality
11 (20 Dec), Japan 2: The Political Construction of "Monoethnic" Nation in the Postwar Era
12 (10 Jan), Presentation
13 (17 Jan), Asian Countries: Stratified Membership in Neoliberal Globalization
Active Learning 1: Planning a Research Project
Active Learning 2: Writing the Essay Draft
01 (04 Oct), Citizenship in Law, Sociology and Political Theory
02 (11 Oct), Analyzing Modern Citizenship 1: Liberty and Equality
03 (18 Oct), Analyzing Modern Citizenship 2: Identity, Loyalty and Participation
04 (25 Oct), UK and US 1: The Crown and Republicanism
05 (01 Nov), UK and US 2: Social Inclusion and Exclusion in Liberal Citizenship
06 (08 Nov), France: Political Belonging in Civic Nationalism
07 (15 Nov), Presentation
08 (29 Nov), Germany 1: Political Belonging in Ethnic Nationalism
09 (06 Dec), Germany 2: The Changing Conditions of Being a German Citizen
10 (13 Dec), Japan 1: Family Registry (Koseki), Subjectship and Nationality
11 (20 Dec), Japan 2: The Political Construction of "Monoethnic" Nation in the Postwar Era
12 (10 Jan), Presentation
13 (17 Jan), Asian Countries: Stratified Membership in Neoliberal Globalization
Active Learning 1: Planning a Research Project
Active Learning 2: Writing the Essay Draft
Presentation: 10%, Active Learning: 40%, Term-End Essay: 50%
Grading system for assessment   
Presentation: 10%, Active Learning: 40%, Term-End Essay: 50%
Requirements of term-end essay will be shown in the class.
参考書1 ISBN
書名 What is citizenship?
著者名 Derek Heater 出版社 出版年 1999
参考書2 ISBN
書名 Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany
著者名 Rogers Brubaker 出版社 出版年 1992
参考書3 ISBN
書名 Citizenship and Social Class, and Other Essays
著者名 T. H. Marshall 出版社 出版年 1950
参考書4 ISBN
書名 Citizenship and Immigration
著者名 Christian Joppke 出版社 出版年 2010
参考書5 ISBN
書名 Neoliberalism As Exception: Mutations in Citizenship And Sovereignty
著者名 Aihwa Ong 出版社 出版年 2006