     2017 年度   国際社会学部
  澤田 ゆかり [SAWADA Yukari]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    2 秋学期 月5 -
Modern Chinese economy and social issues 2
Goals of the course   
To enable students to establish his/her hypothesis and make meaningful contribution to the preceding research.
Learn how to show probability of your hypothesis by applying it to multiple data.
Indicate the remaining problems and suggest feasible plan to solve them.
Overview of the course   
The students will present the work in progress to the class. A presenter will answer to the appointed commentators who provide questions and opinions.
graduation thesis, hypothesis, comments, working progress report
第1回 ガイダンス:授業内容の紹介、スケジュールの確認
第2回 論文報告1(仮説の見直し)
第3回 論文報告2(新たな仮説の検証)
第4回 論文報告3(補足必要なデータの確定)
第5回 日本現代中国学会の全国大会の共通論題に参加して、内容を500字以内で要約する。また可能な範囲で質問をし、それに対する回答も記録する。結果は、次回の授業時に提出する。
第6回 日本現代中国学会の全国大会の経済分科会に参加して、内容を500字以内で要約する。また可能な範囲で質問をし、それに対する回答も記録する。結果は、次回の授業時に提出する。
第7回 中間報告会(第3稿提出)
第8回 相互コメントと訂正の提案
第9回 論文報告4(補足データによる仮説の修正)
第10回 論文報告5(仮説の再検証)
第11回 中間報告会(第4稿の提出)
第12回 相互コメントと訂正の提案
第13回 論文報告7(序論と結論の整合性)
第14回 提出直前の最終修正(要約、目次、参考文献一覧、図表番号などの修正)
第15回 完成稿にもとづく最終報告会1
1 Introduction: Briefing on how to comment and rewrite your graduation thesis. Two commentators will be appointed for every presenter based on the topics.
2 work progress report #1: amend you hypothesis.
3 work progress report #2: verify your hypothesis through data already obtained.
4 work progress report #3: find new set of data to test your hypothesis.
5 Attend a plenary session or international session of Japan Association for Modern China Studies' annual symposium, and submit an essay on the academic discussion you witnessed. Ask question from the floor if it's allowed and add the answer from the speaker. Hand it in by the end of next class.
6 Attend a session on Chinese economy of Japan Association for Modern China Studies' annual symposium, and submit an essay on the academic discussion you witnessed. Ask question from the floor if it's allowed and add the answer from the speaker. Hand it in by the end of next class.
7 mid-term full check: submit your third draft.
8 mutual comments: make suggestions to solve the problems you found in the third draft.
9 work progress report #4: correct you hypothesis based on the multiple data set.
10 work progress report #5: re-examine your hypothesis and check the quantitive balance between chapters.
11 Attend the special session on current China affairs of Japan Association of Asian Studies' annual symposium, and submit an essay on the academic discussion you witnessed. Ask question from the floor if it's allowed and add the answer from the speaker. Hand it in by the end of next class.
12 work progress report #8: Apply improved theoretical framework to the new data.
13 End-term full check: submit your second draft.
14 mutual comments: make suggestions to solve the problems you found in the second draft.
15 Final examination on achievement: Reschedule your plan according to the progress you made during this term.

Grading system for assessment   
The final grade will be given by accumulating the following elements: Presenting and answering questions in the classroom (15%), providing questions and comments (10%), submitting two essays for fifth and sixth period(15%), and two drafts submitted (60%).
Details and evaluations of the two drafts:
Students must write two drafts consists of 4000 to 4500 character for each in Japanese.
The two drafts should include the following elements: (1) The main findings by the existing researches, (2) your hypothesis, (3) academic meaning of your research, (4) methodology to prove your hypothesis. The author also needs to show how they plan to deal with the issues that remained unclear.
Students must submit two short essays for the fifth and sixth period. The essays needs to convey enough descriptions of the main findings of the presentation they attended as well as the meaning of the presentations in terms of academic contributions.
Evaluation for the presentation and comments in class: The lecturer will check whether students can give sufficient information and meaningful questions to the class.
Minimum requirement to attend the class is to complete preparatory works listed below:(1) The students must submit the handouts to the class at least three days prior to the presentation. The handouts must show responses from the author to the previous comments and questions. The commentators needs to prepare new comments and question based on the materials from the author.
Students need to inform the class if they are going to be absent and transfer materials beforehand via e-mail. The details of the materials will be presented to each student during the class.
教科書1 ISBN
著者名 出版社 出版年 2013