     2017 年度   言語文化学部
  並木 香奈美 [NAMIKI Kanami]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    2 春学期 金2 -
Philippine culture
Goals of the course   
The goal for this class is to understand the history of the Philippines, especially the general flow of cultural history, using Philippine Folk Dance as an example. Also, we will develop ideas and ideologies in order to examine the culture and society of the Philippines, and deepen our understanding of traditional culture across Philippines.
Overview of the course   
We will consider how post-colonial Philippine culture was defined and (re)constructed by the ethnic and local cultures, as well as the significance and role of Philippine folk dance. In every class, we will pick up concepts and theories important to discuss the Philippine culture (Philippine folk dance) and raise questions, lecturing on the cultural history of the Philippines. Also, we will examine the regionally unique cultures and traditions of which Philippine folk dance is comprised through dancing folk dance, and look at the multicultural and foreign cultures in the Philippines from a physical viewpoint.
フィリピン 文化 歴史 舞踊 
The Philippines, culture, history, folk dance

第1回 オリエンテーション
第2回 フィリピン文化・社会とは:多文化形成の歴史概説
第3回 フィリピン民族舞踊の創造/想像:国民文化の創出と国民統合のための自画像
第4回 舞踊の変容:ローカルからナショナルそしてグローバルへ
第5回 文化と政治:マルコス独裁政権下での芸術文化の政治的意義・役割
第6回 舞踊をめぐる議論:革新主義と伝統主義
第7回 フィリピン文化の表象と体現:マニラからの視点
第8回 地方における実際:伝統舞踊の発展と現状
第9回 フィリピン民族舞踊を踊る(1):ルソン島北部・山岳民族の文化・舞踊
第10回 フィリピン民族舞踊を踊る(2):ミンダナオ・先住民族の文化・舞踊
第11回 フィリピン民族舞踊を踊る(3):ミンダナオ・イスラム系少数民族の文化・舞踊
第12回 フィリピン民族舞踊を踊る(4):キリスト教系フィリピン人の文化・舞踊
第13回 グループ・プロジェクト
第14回 グループ・プロジェクト
第15回 総括
The course is comprised of two parts, lectures and practices. In the first half (Lectures 1 to 8), I will mainly talk about historical and cultural backgrounds, important topics, concepts and theories in order to gain an understanding of Philippine culture and folk dance. In the second half (Lectures 9 to 12), I will have students experience easy dance (movement) in an effort to understand the local traditional culture. For group projects, participants will select one folk dance to research, present its historical and cultural backgrounds, describe and demonstrate it in the class. I will be utilizing power point slides in lectures in addition to visual materials such as photos and images.

1. Orientation
2. Cultures and Society of the Philippines: A Historical Outline of the Formation of Many Cultures
3. Creation and Imagery of Philippine Folk Dance: The Creation of National Cultures and a Self-portrait for National Sovereignty
4. Transformation of Folk Dances: Local to National to Global
5. Cultures and Politics: The Political Significance and Roles of Art Culture under the Marcos Dictatorship
6. Discussions on Folk Dances: Progressivism and Traditionalism
7. Symbols and Personifications of Cultures in the Philippines: A Viewpoint from Manila
8. Actualities in Local Regions: The Development and the Current Situations of Traditional Folk Dances
9. Dancing the Philippine Folk Dances (1): The Cultures and Folk Dances of Northern Luzon Hill Tribes
10. Dancing the Philippine Folk Dances (2): The Cultures and Folk Dances of the Mindanao Aborigines
11. Dancing the Philippine Folk Dances (3): The Cultures and Folk Dances of the Mindanao Muslim Minorities
12. Dancing the Philippine Folk Dances (3): The Cultures and Folk Dances of the Christian People in the Philippines
13. Group Project
14. Group Project
15. Summary
1.受講時の平常点 20%
2.リフレクション・エッセイ (A4版で2~3枚程度) 20%
受講者の人数にもよるが、1グループ(2~3人)で20分程度の発表を行う。パワーポイントを使用。発表には、タイトル、特定の舞踊を選んだ理由、その舞踊・民族の歴史的・文化的背景、舞踊の説明を盛り込むこと(前半の講義の内容を反映するとより良い)。舞踊の実演は必須。趣向を凝らした発表を期待する。発表後には エッセイを提出のこと。少なくとも3冊の学術文献を使用。グループ・プロジェクトで何をするかは事前に講師に相談して決めること(必須)。

Grading system for assessment   
1. Class participation 20%
2. Reflection essay (2 to 3 A4 papers) 20%
Students will select a topic from the lectures in the first half of the course and discuss their opinions.
3. Group project 60%
Depending on the number of participants, each group (2 to 3 people) will conduct a 20 minute presentation. PowerPoint will be used. In the presentation, participants must include the reason why the specific folk dance was selected, provide the historical and cultural background to it, as well as a description of it (content from the early lectures should be included). Demonstration of the dance is a requirement. I look forward to interesting presentations. After the presentation, you must submit an essay. You should use at least three academic references. Members must consult with the instructor prior to beginning work on the group project (required).

*It should be noted that a report submitted in English will be granted additional points.
All assigned reference materials (to be indicated as needed) must be read prior to each class.
For this course, participants are not required to have any experience or skill in folk dance. However, as it will be used as a tool for learning, it is desirable that participants have some interest in it.
Also, I will expect all students to actively participate in class (discussions and folk dance).