     2017 年度   言語文化学部
  マキン [MACKIN, Zane]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    2 秋学期 金6 -
Survey of Western Literature 2
Goals of the course   
This is a continuation of last Spring's course (Western Literature Survey 1), which covered the ancient roots of the western tradition. In this course, we move to the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and witness the progress of literature towards Modernity. We begin in Italy, with the Inferno, by Dante Alighieri, continue through the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, and finish the course in England with William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. In the course of our study, we will see how authors look both backwards to the literary traditions preceding them, and forwards as they establish new themes and traditions that will become trademarks of modern literature.

Students are encouraged to apply who wish to broaden their understanding of western literature while simultaneously developing their critical thinking, speaking and writing skills in English. A fairly advanced ability in English speaking/comprehension is necessary to do well in this course.
Overview of the course   
The course is reading and writing-intensive (in English) and will require commitment of both time and intellectual energy. Although the quantity of reading is not excessive, the texts are not easy, and they will require close and careful study. Because the class combines student-led discussion with lectures, it is mandatory that students complete the readings, and be prepared to discuss them in class.

There are no midterms and finals in this course. Instead, students will turn in 6 short (1-2 page) reader response essays every two weeks. The purpose of the essays is to confirm adequate study of the texts, and to help nurture critical thinking and writing skills in English.

At the end of the semester, students will turn in a review of a film based on one of the works discussed in class, and will complete an active learning project.

1. Introduction to the Course, Dante, Inferno
2. Dante, Inferno
3. Dante, Inferno
Reader response 1
4. Dante, Inferno
5. Dante, Inferno
Reader response 2

6. Boccaccio, Decameron (selections)
7. Boccaccio, Decameron (selections)
Reader response 3

8. Boccaccio, Decameron (selections)
9. Boccaccio, Decameron (selections)
Reader response 4

10. Shakespeare, Hamlet
11. Shakespeare, Hamlet
Reader response 5

12. Shakespeare, Hamlet
13. Shakespeare, Hamlet; review
Reader response 6

14. Active learning project due
Grading system for assessment   
Attendance and Participation 25%
Attendance is mandatory. Two unexcused absences will be allowed with no negative effect on your grade. Subsequent absences will be excused only if they meet the school policy for Certified Absences. Otherwise absences after the first two will reduce final grade by 1/3 of a grade (e.g. A- becomes a B+). Four or more unexcused absences are an automatic failure for the course.
If you arrive in class after roll is called, you are likely to be marked absent. If you want to be marked present, is your responsibility to notify the professor after class of your attendance.
Your presence in class also depends on participation. Come to class prepared to ask questions, negotiate debate, and defend your position.
Electronic devices (smart phones, computers &c.) are prohibited in class. They must be shut off and put away.
Two 1-2-page reader response paper 10%
These short papers will document your analysis of the texts under survey. They will be (mercifully) short, but are expected to consist of decent argumentation composed in English free of grammatical and spelling errors. Papers will be printed and handed in at the beginning of class on the deadline. Late papers are not accepted.
Midterm 15%
Passage identification, textual analysis, and a short essay.
Final Exam 25%
Will follow the same format as the midterm but will be slightly longer.
Final paper (6-10 pages) 25%
Will involve the analysis of a text of the student’s choice.
Active Learning Project 5%