     2017 年度   世界教養プログラム
  村上 弥生 [MURAKAMI Yayoi]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    1 秋学期 水4 -
Academic English: Theme-based [Contemporay Global Studies](E)
Academic English: Theme-based: Contemporary Global Studies (E)
Goals of the course   
One of the main course objectives is to expand students' English vocabulary in preparation for academic research and discussion in the fields of their interest. The other objective is to expose students to challenges Japan and the world confront. Materials provided in the course are also intended to help students shape their own ideas of basic values that must be protected in the society and of how different, often seemingly incompatible traditions, cultures and value systems can be intetegrated into one society.
Overview of the course   
By watching TV documentaries and reading newspaper articles, we will look at exciting transformations our world and some societies have been going through. This year's selection of the stories to be dealt with in this course will center on different understandings of freedom in different societies, and clashes and coexistence of different value systems. The instructor will give basic information on each subject, but the focus of this class is placed on students' presentations and discussions.
Each student will give a presentation at the end of the semester on a related topic of his or her choice.
For students to get more accustomed to English-only atmosphere, instruction and discussion will be conducted in English.
Freedom of Expression and faith, universal human rights
Freedom of expression and faith, universal values and human rights.

第1回 オリエンテーション、受講生の自己紹介など 
第2回 Donald Trump's bully pulpit(トランプ候補の選挙集会での演説の様子、イスラム教徒へのヘイトスピーチ)
第3回 How we let phoneys take control and debase the language of politics (イギリスのEU離脱投票に向けての選挙戦での虚言の横行と政治的言説の劣化)  
第4回 US campuses cautionary train students against subtle insults(アメリカの大学でのポリテイカル・コレクトネスの現状を巡る議論)
第5回 Empire builder(DVD)(アメリカ大統領選の争点)
第6回 Dane on migrants: I've become a racist(人道主義の先端であったデンマークにおける難民政策の変化)
第7回 Islamists protest as Jordan downplays religious curriculum(ヨルダン、多宗教社会に向けた教科書改訂と反発)
第8回 Support amid fear for Indonesian atheists(多宗教社会インドネシアにおける無神論者の状況)
第9回 The word of the year: post-truth politics(オックスフォード辞典の選んだ今年の言葉:ポスト事実の時代)
第10回 Xi factor(DVD)(強権化が進む中国における言論の自由の意味)
第11回 Japan's top court upholds same-name rule for married couples(夫婦同姓を巡る最高裁判決、男女平等の理解の多様性)
第12回 プレゼンテーション
第13回 プレゼンテーション
第14回 Active Learning-1(発表のためのリサーチ)
第15回 Active Learning-2 (エッセイ作成)
The following is the list of topics dealt with in this course last year, centering on rising anti-immigrant sentiments, questions on coexistence of different values and religions and not-so-universal understandings of universal human rights, which reflect two heavy choices of Brexit and Trump's victory. For this year we will pick up different topics related to freedom, taking changing world and students' intersts into consideration.

1. Orientation: self-introductions
2. Donald Trump's bully pulpit (Trump's campaign full of hate speech and islamophobia)
3.How we let phoneys take control and debase the language of politics(Fake information dominating "Leave" campaign leading to Brexit)
4. US campuses cautionary train students against subtle insults (Controversy over campus version of political correctness)
5. Empire builder (DVD)( Issues at stake in the presidential election)
6. Dane on migrants: I've become a racist (Changing refugee policies of Denmark, from the vangard of humanitarianism to exclusion)
7. Islamists protest as Jordan downplays religious curriculum ( Backlash to textbook reforms aimed to accommodate multi-religious society)
8. Support amid fear for Indonesian atheists( Atheists thereatened in Indonesia)
9. The word of the year: post-truth age
10. Xi factor (The meaning of freedom under authoriarian rule of Xi
11.Japan's top court upholds same-name rule for married couples (Different understandings of gender equality)
12. presentations
13. presentations
14. Active Learning-1(Preparation for group presenation)
15. Active Learning-2 (Essay writing)
Grading system for assessment   
Grades will be based on three elements: preparation for class (worksheets about a DVD clip or written stories), active participation in group and class discussions and presentations.
You are required to finish worksheets by watching a DVD clip or reading written stories in advance. Understanding English in the DVD or in the written story is sometimes very difficult. Through listening repeatedly , you will expand your vocabulary and listening skills.
Thorough understanding of reading materials will be also difficult.You will try different approaches such as guessing from the context and checking plural meanings of the same words. Those constant efforts will definitely bring you to more solid English proficiency. Never give up!
同教師によるAcademic English:International Relationsでは、特に重要な問題については、1〜2、教材が重複することもあるので、同時に受講することは避けられたい。