     2017 年度   世界教養プログラム
  小野 倫寛 [ONO Tomonori]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    1 春学期 月4 -
Interactive English: Reception
The goal of this preparatory course is to develop English listening and reading skills needed for subject-level courses at TUFS. In this course, students will mainly focus on building comprehension skills.
Goals of the course   
The goal of this preparatory course is to develop English listening and reading skills needed for subject-level courses at TUFS. In this course, students will mainly focus on building comprehension skills.
This course introduces a wide range of social science topics as preparation for more advanced studies at TUFS in the School of Language and Culture Studies or the School of International and Area Studies. In the Spring term, students will focus on subjects encountered in the School of Language and Culture Studies such as culture, language, literature or information studies. Throughout the course, students will be assigned various listening and reading tasks. In addition, students will be expected to complete tasks assigned by the English Learning Center (ELC). Grades will be determined based on the level of participation and successful completion of all assigned tasks.
Overview of the course   
This course introduces a wide range of social science topics as preparation for more advanced studies at TUFS in the School of Language and Culture Studies or the School of International and Area Studies. In the Spring term, students will focus on subjects encountered in the School of Language and Culture Studies such as culture, language, literature or information studies. Throughout the course, students will be assigned various listening and reading tasks. In addition, students will be expected to complete tasks assigned by the English Learning Center (ELC). Grades will be determined based on the level of participation and successful completion of all assigned tasks.
Listening, Reading
Listening, Reading
1. Orientation
2. Culture Studies I
3. Culture Studies II
4. Culture Studies III
5. Language Studies I
6. Language Studies II
7. Language Studies III
8. Literature Studies I
9. Literature Studies II
10. Literature Studies III
11. Information Studies I
12. Information Studies II
13. Information Studies III
14. Active Learning
15. Active Learning
1. Orientation
2. Culture Studies I
3. Culture Studies II
4. Culture Studies III
5. Language Studies I
6. Language Studies II
7. Language Studies III
8. Literature Studies I
9. Literature Studies II
10. Literature Studies III
11. Information Studies I
12. Information Studies II
13. Information Studies III
14. Active Learning
15. Active Learning
Class Participation: 30%
Listening Assignments: 30%
Reading Assignments: 30%
ELC Assignments: 10%
Grading system for assessment   
Class Participation: 30%
Listening Assignments: 30%
Reading Assignments: 30%
ELC Assignments: 10%
No course textbook. Instead, students will be required to do online study (both inside and outside of class). Students are encouraged to bring some type of Internet connected device (e.g. smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.) during classes.
No course textbook. Instead, students will be required to do online study (both inside and outside of class). Students are encouraged to bring some type of Internet connected device (e.g. smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.) during classes.
Materials used during classes are based on creative commons licenses which allow materials to be adapted and shared freely without copyright restrictions.
Materials used during classes are based on creative commons licenses which allow materials to be adapted and shared freely without copyright restrictions.