     2017 年度   世界教養プログラム
  ロッセール [ROSSZELL, Roderick]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    1 秋学期 火4 -
An Introduction to Cross-Cultural Issues – The Experiences of Foreign Students at American Universities
Goals of the course   
To improve your English, as well as your research and presentation skills, and to begin to understand how difficult it is to respect the values and opinions of those who have grown up in a culture different than your own.

The main goals of the course are:
1) to gain a wider perspective on the difficulties involved in adapting to a different culture
2) to develop your ability to discuss cross-cultural issues,
3) to improve your note-taking skills (Don’t copy, summarise!),
4) to improve your academic writing skills,
5) to improve your presentation skills.
Overview of the course   
In this course you will develop your English reading, writing, and conversation skills through reading about and discussing a wide range of cross-cultural issues. Each week, you will read 6-8 pages on topics related to the difficulties which foreign students have experienced while studying at American universities, and then you will discuss these issues in class. To help you to better understand the issues and to participate more fully in the discussions, you will have to bring to class a list of five points related to the weekly readings that you would like to discuss. In addition, you will have to write 2 short reaction papers/essays and complete a paraphrasing/summarising assignment. In the latter half of the semester, students will have the opportunity to form groups, research a cross-culturally-related topic more deeply, and participate in giving a group presentation.
cross-cultural issues, discussion, reading, research, vocabulary, academic writing, summarising, presentation, study abroad
Week 1: Introduction/ Reading Chapter 1 - Academic Motivation
Week 2: Discussion and Reading: Chapters 1 and 2
Week 3: Discussion and Reading: Chapters 2 and 3
Week 4: Discussion and Reading: Chapters 3 and 4
Week 5: Discussion and Reading: Chapters 4 and 5
Week 6: Discussion of Chapter 5 and choice of presentation topic.
Week 7: Form presentation groups, begin presentation preparation, and complete Outline
Week 8: Watch model group presentation, continue preparation, and complete Our Expressions for Fluency
Week 9: Prepare PowerPoint slides and continue preparation
Week 10: Continue preparation/rehearsal
Week 11: Revise PowerPoint slides and continue preparation/rehearsal
Week 12: Presentations and Self-Assessment - Round 1
Week 13: Presentations and Self-Assessment - Round 2, and Course Evaluation
Grading system for assessment   

Your grade will be determined in the following manner:

Attendance, Participation, and Use of English: 30%
Reading + 5-Points: 20%
Vocabulary Quizzes: 10%
Reaction Papers: 10%
Group Presentation: 30%
To get a good grade in this course, weekly attendance, reading, and class participation are mandatory. In addition, your grade will depend on your homework completion, and the quality of your writing assignments and presentation.
Students are expected to use only English in class.
教科書1 ISBN 978-0472032983
書名 Cultures in Contrast: Student Life at U.S. Colleges and Universities
著者名 Shulman, Myra 出版社 University of Michigan 出版年 2009