     2017 年度   世界教養プログラム
  安藤 エレーナ [ANDO, Elena]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    1 春学期 木4 -
Interactive English: Production
Goals of the course   
The goal of this course is to learn and practise useful language and skills for expressing your ideas in speech and in writing, and to study useful techniques for persuasive and successful debating and presentations. Students will expand their vocabulary, learn different communication and writing strategies, and improve their ability to understand spoken English. Students will also learn how to research, plan
and write simple projects.
Overview of the course   
The course will combine speaking and writing practice in each class. Students will have to choose and research various topics and prepare presentations based on these topics.
You will learn important skills needed for a fluent and confident presentation, and learn speaking with more impact. You will apply these skills to the topics of your choice and develop your own research projects, which you will present to your classmates. You will also learn to formulate and organise your opinions and defend them in a debate. We will discuss some current issues and practise expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing, and building persuasive arguments.
Week 1: a) Course orientation. b) Students’ self-introductions. c) Useful websites for project work and self-study. d) Email writing skills (Part 1)
Week 2: a) Email writing skills (Part 2). b) Ways of extending conversation.
Week 3: a) Basic presentation skills: effective introductions and overviews. b) Choosing a good project topic.
Week 4: a) Research & presentation project 1 (week 1) – discussing topics. b) The importance of making research notes.
Week 5: a) Research & presentation project 1 (week 2) – explaining and discussing research notes. b) Presentation skills: linking words and phrases; effective conclusions.
Week 6: a) Research & presentation project 1 (week 3) – explaining and discussing research notes. b) Presentation skills: dealing with difficult questions.
Week 7: Presentations (final week of Project 1)
Week 8: a) D. Crystall: ‘Language for feelings’: connotations & emotive language. b) Choosing a debatable topic for Project 2.
Week 9: a) Research & presentation project 2 (week 1) – discussing topics for persuasive presentations. b) Persuading vs. informing.
Week 10: a) Research & presentation project 2 (week 2) – researching audience: discussing topics, collecting and analysing opinions. b) Strong introductions and persuasive conclusions.
Week 11: a) Research & presentation project 2 (week 3) – discussing topics and explaining notes. b) Supporting and defending opinions. c) Counter-arguments and rebuttals.
Week 12: Class debate (Examples of current issues. ‘For’ and ‘against’.)
Week 13: a) Structure of a persuasive presentation. b) Class debate.
Week 14: Presentations.
Week 15: Course revision.
Grading system for assessment   
Contribution to in-class activities 40%; homework (assignments, projects and presentations) 50%; ELC assignments 10%.
Students will have to read some articles on their research topics, prepare research notes and plan presentations. For Active Learning students will have to work with some self-study English websites (watching, listening and reading) - the plan and contents will be explained by the teacher in class.
All communication conducted in class will be in English. Punctuality is essential.
備考 All materials will be provided by the instructor. Please bring dictionaries to all classes.