     2017 年度   世界教養プログラム
  ボルロンガン [BORLONGAN, Ariane]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    1 秋学期 火1 -
World Englishes
Goals of the course   
The course engages students in discourses on the global spread of English and its (socio)linguistic implications. Thus said, at the end of the course, the students must be those who:

(a) Intelligently discuss the sociolinguistic phenomenon of the spread of English around the world;

(b) Clearly express their understanding of the world Englishes paradigm and its various implications;

(c) Adequately tell the history and sociology of English across different societies, cultures, and contexts; and

(d) Comprehensively describe and explain ongoing linguistic nativization of Englishes around the world.
Overview of the course   
The course looks into English with reference to its spread around the world. The consequential paradigm that has emerged out of the phenomenon of its global spread is discussed and considered in depth. The Englishes that have arisen out of this phenomenon will be surveyed, examining the history and sociology, and linguistic structure of each. An important facet of this course is its careful and detailed analysis of the linguistic structure of these Englishes, from word to sentence to discourse level. A discussion of the pragmatic implications of the global spread of English, demystifying the various language and social issues arising from the unprecedented global (socio)linguistic phenomenon.
World Englishes, English linguistics, English, sociolinguistics
1. Introduction to the course
2. Spread of English today
3. The world Englishes paradigm: An overview
4. Dynamic model of the evolution of Englishes
5. Linguistic features of Englishes
5.1 Phonology
5.2 Lexicon
5.3 Discourse
5.4 Grammar
5.4.1 Verbs
5.4.2 Nouns and pronouns
5.4.3 Adjectives and adverbs
5.4.4 Other grammatical categories
6. Issues and implications
7. Presentation of research project proposals
8. Research workshop
9. Presentation of research projects
Grading system for assessment   
Every anticipated learner attribute, expected learning outcome, and directed course objective have corresponding gradable outputs; these attributes, outcomes, and objectives are achieved progressively and outputs submitted over the course of time. Accordingly, every required output is given a grade allotment commensurate to its intellectual difficulty and preparatory burden and time:

Class activities/participation -- 20%
Short papers -- 30%
Research project -- 50%
It is expected that students will have read the readings prior to the session when the reading will be discussed. They are also expected to have made further readings on their own and contribute extensively beyond the readings they have been expected to finish.

Students are to submit their due requirements on the specified time period, and never beyond. (Prompt) submission of a requirement will not necessarily result in a passing assessment to that requirement. Needless to say, a requirement submitted – even on time – could still merit a failing assessment, if deemed appropriate by the instructor.

All requirements submitted should be the students’ own. Any references used in the requirement submitted must be properly documented following The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., 2009). A student caught plagiarizing will be given a failing assessment in the requirement in question in particular and/or the course as a whole.
教科書1 ISBN
書名 Varieties of English: A typological approach
著者名 Peter Siemund 出版社 Cambridge University Press 出版年 2013
教科書2 ISBN
書名 The electronic world atlas of varieties of English
著者名 Bernd Kortmann & Kerstin Lunkenheimer (Eds.) 出版社 Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology 出版年 2013