     2017 年度   世界教養プログラム
  加藤 雄二 [KATO Yuji]
授業開講形態 授業形態 単位数 学期 曜日・時限 実務経験のある教員による授業
    1 春学期 金1 -
Regional Languages (English II): An Introduction to Anglo-American Literature and Culture 2017 I
Goals of the course   
This course introduces students to the basics of Anglo-American literature and culture through the analysis of three representative 19th- and 20th-century literary texts. The focus is on providing students with higher levels of skills in reading and writing in English and getting them familiar with the basic reading and analytical skills that are required for academic study at the university level.
Overview of the course   
We will read, analyze, and write on the well-known, exemplary stories written in English. Students are expected to prepare for each class carefully, reading the assigned texts with the help of good dictionaries and taking notes for analysis. Students are also expected to enhance their vocabulary levels by taking a short reading quiz every week. The two extra "active learning" sessions will be assigned for the mid-term and end-term examinations.
Anglo-American literature and culture; English; criticism; literary theory
Grading system for assessment   
There will be fifteen classes in all, including two "active learning" sessions for the mid-term and end-term examinations. Grading will be based on quizzes (20%), response papers (30%), the mid-term examination (25%), and the end-term examination (25%).
1. Students should prepare for classes, reading the assigned sections of the texts carefully with the help of GOOD dictionaries.
2. Students are expected to research on the texts, using archival materials. Subscribing to internet libraries is highly recommended.
3. Students are required to comment and write on the texts analytically in classes and response papers.
4. Students are required to prepare THOROUGHLY for the mid-term and end-term examinations. They should be familiar with all the words and phrases used in the texts.
1. Full attendance and active participation are the minimum requirements. Low attendance and/or lack of active participation and interest will lead to failures in taking credits. Students are required to notify the instructor beforehand and submit evidence for the reason of absence when they cannot attend classes.
2. Two "active learning" sessions will be assigned for the examinations.
3. Response papers are due in one week. The last response paper is due on the day of the end-term examination.
4. Students with poor attendance and performance, lack of interest, or extremely bad attitudes (showing off contempt for academic study and its formal procedures, for example) might be expelled from the classroom or might have to see and talk to the instructor.
5. Consult dictionaries as often as possible in and out of classes. Students should use good dictionaries such as Merriam-Webster Online, Oxford Concise Dictionary and Longman's Dictionary of Contemporary English. They are sometimes required to refer to the information on etymologies in dictionaries.
6. Students are strongly recommended to use PCs or electronic pads/tablets in their study for quick search. Texts might be assigned in Kindle editions or PDFs.
教科書1 ISBN
書名 "The Black Cat" in Tales and Sketches edited by Thomas Olive Mabbott
著者名 Edgar A. Poe 出版社 University of Illinois Press 出版年 2000
教科書2 ISBN
書名 "The Dead" in Dubliners
著者名 James Joyce 出版社 Penguin Classics 出版年 1993
教科書3 ISBN
書名 "Learning to Fall" in The Burning House
著者名 Ann Beattie 出版社 Vintage 出版年 1995
参考書1 ISBN
書名 A Short Literary History of the United States
著者名 Mario Klarer 出版社 Routledge 出版年 2014
参考書2 ISBN
書名 Literary Theory: An Introduction
著者名 Terry Eagleton 出版社 Univ. of Minnesota Press 出版年 2008